Case Study 5: Memel, Eastern Free State
1. If it is a dry year, we can burn the vlei, prepare a fine seedbed and commence planting with a Piketberg no-till fineseed planter.
2. If it is a very wet La Nina year, we get 70mm of rain in 30 minutes and the toeslope and floodplainis under water without conventional tillage possible.
3. Our logic chain: begin with the footslope areas which we can plant with a Piketberg No-till fineseed planter in rainy season.
4. Wait for the toeslope to dry out and then identify the appropriate way to establish seed there. It may be no-till of the upper toeslope, ridging lower down, it may be broadcast seeding, it may be hydro seeding, or a combination of everything.
5. Planting date for footslope: early rainy season.
6. Planting date for toeslope: as possible mid to late rainy season.
7. Planting date for floodplainvlei: late summer to early winter.
8. Timeline for first grazing on footslope: 4-6 months, beginning winter.
9. Timeline for first grazing on toeslope and flooplane, when safe to do so in winter.
10. Ecological risk: premature grazing by cattle of the late plantings.