Russian Grass Seed Legal Terms and Conditions:

1. By using our website and procuring our products you agree to the following universal legal terms and conditions in all cases and all locations unless otherwise agreed to by Russian Grass Seed in writing;
2. You agree that you carry all the normal climatic and establishment risks.
3. You agree that the optimum planting density is 5 kg of Breeder Seed on 1 ha planted 1-2 cm deep in fertile oxygen rich soil of at least 5 cm deep over subsoil moisture, and you understand that if you deviate from the optimum that you need to lower your expectations pro rata, allow more time for establishment and manage it more carefully.
4. You agree that the experimental genetics in our breeder seed mix belong to us, with all of its full intellectual property,
5. You agree that you are legally entitled to use it for grazing only and natural seed production and natural seed drop for internal use of the buyer only unless otherwise agreed to in writing,
6. You agree that you will not use our genetics in any way shape or form anywhere for any other commercial purpose without written permission,
7. You agree that you will not supply any seeds, genetics or plant material to other people, the market, farmers or livestock owners without written permission,
8. You agree not to add any genetics, seed or plant material to our seed mix without written permission, nor to remove any genetics, seed or plant material from our seed mix without written permission.
9. You take full responsibility for establishment in the appropriate niche location in a professional and responsible manner at all times and in all locations and commit to uphold best practise guidelines and recommendations.
10. You agree that management, livestock numbers and grazing rotations is under your control and that it needs to professionally done to ensure longevity and persistence of the pasture. You agree to enable good establishment and seed set, natural seed drop, a thickening of the stand, winter grazing without overgrazing, enough time for recovery between grazings and responsible management of soil fertility.
11. You agree that the soil microbes, earthworms, legumes and soil fertility enhancement methods belong to us and is not for resale or re-use in other locations without written permission.
12. You understand that this is not commercial last generation seed, but experimental Breeder Seed and as such it comes with higher levels of genetic potential requiring higher levels of responsibility, attention and care in order to potentially achieve higher commercial outcomes. You agree to master the variables under your control such as niche location, climate, planting date, soil moisture, establishment location, seeding method, first grazing, grazing intervals, seeding dates and natural seed drop in wind and with rainfall events etc in order to strive for commercial success and as the main strategy to unlocking genetic potential.
13. You understand that innovation is not easy, nor cheap, not pain or risk free and that you need to hone and refine your skills to become better and better at it in greatly varying soil and climatic conditions without any guarrantee of success. You also understand that research and development require commercial success in order to continue.
14. You agree to keep our trade secrets and business information confidential and to not disclose it in the public domain or electronically or in any forum to anyone.
15. You agree that in case of non-payment we may remove, kill or take back our genetics in all shapes and forms in any manner that we see fit and hold your responsible for the cost.
16. By buying our Breeder Seed you agree that we may amend, refine and change these conditions in future and that you will abide by them.